Zoology Museum

Post Graduates and Research Department of Zoology, V.O. Chidambaram College, Tuticorin 628 008 Tamil Nadu

Em.8 Nebrius Concolor Embryo (Nebrius ferruginous)

 Em.8               Nebrius Concolor Embryo (Nebrius ferruginous) 




·          The tawny nurse shark is large and bulky. 

·         It is found in Indo-pacific region. 

·         This coloration of this shark is grey- brown on the dorsal surface. 

·         The tawny nurse shark is 10.5 feet (320cm). 

·         It has an aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous) mode of reproduction. 

-      The embryos feed off yolk contained within the egg case in which it grows. 

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