Zoology Museum

Post Graduates and Research Department of Zoology, V.O. Chidambaram College, Tuticorin 628 008 Tamil Nadu

Ar.23 Grapsus strigosus (Mottled Crab)


Ar.23                                    Grapsus strigosus (Mottled Crab)

Phylum :  Arthropoda

Class     :  Malacostraca

Order    :  Decapoda

Family  :  Grapsidae

Genus   :  Grapsus

Species  :  Grapsus strigosus



Carapace depressed and pereiopods more laterally compressed. Front not remarkably wide; Antero-lateral margins rounded/ arched, lateral regions with numerous oblique striae. Presence of sub-acute and carinated tooth at the inner angle of orbit. Epistome rugose; epistomial ridge entire, not tuberculated; its antero-lateral portion with one arched ridge, which touches the upper border of the buccal cavern. Four ridged elevations between the orbits on the upper angle. Behind the outer angle of the orbit is present another spine like projection on the antero-lateral margin. Indistinct horizontal branchio-cardiac grooves on the carapace and grooved line horizontal from the margin of carapace to the centre. Hepatic region without strong vertical tubercles. Two distinct ridges on the external surface of propodus of chelipeds. Finger tips strongly spooned. The pereiopods are laterally flattened; first and last pair of pereiopods are equal in their length. Chelipeds are smaller compared to the pereiopods and granulated on the upper margin. The spine at the inner angle of carpus of chelipeds almost straight. In fresh condition the specimen is dark reddish brown in colour; sternite of the chelipeds lightly coloured. Finger tips coloured dark tan or brown. Body dark pinkish in colour and the fingers blackish with white tips.


IUCN Status: Not evaluated


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