Zoology Museum

Post Graduates and Research Department of Zoology, V.O. Chidambaram College, Tuticorin 628 008 Tamil Nadu

Mo. 35 EGG MASS OF LALIGO (Squid egg cluster)


Phylum : Mollusca

Class    : Cephalopoda

Order  : Myopsida

Family  : Loliginidae

Genus  :  Loligo



Loligo is a genus of squid and one of the most representative and widely distributed groups of myopsid squidThe genus was first described by Jean Baptiste Lamarck in 1798. However, the name had been used earlier than Lamarck (Schneider, 1784; Linnaeus1758) and might even have been used by Pliny. In the early 19th century, this generic name was often used as a grouping for all true squid. All three species of Loligo are caught by commercial fisheries, most abundantly by traditional trawling methods (mobile gear). In the United States of America, Longfin squid are federally regulated under the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Management Plan. Loligo vulgaris and others are noted for being attracted to lights at night; they can therefore be fished using different light-attraction methods.

IUCN Status: Not evaluated

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