Mo. 74 . DORIS (Sea lemon)
Phylum : Mollusca
Class : Gastropoda
Order : Nudibranchia
Family : Dorididae
Genus : Doris
Geographic Distribution: Cosmopolitan but specially found in the waters of New England.
and Habitat: Doris is a sluggish marine and curious gastropod
found under stones at low tide mark and between weeds. It feeds on incrusting
organisms like sponges
- Commonly known as sea
- Body consists of more
or less ovoid mass with a convex warm dorsal side.
- Colour is purplish
- Head bears a pair of
short retractile tentacles or rhinophores beset with calcareous
- Mantle is usually
pigmented and contains calcareous spicules or dorsal tubercles.
- The anus lies
mid-posteriorly and is surrounded by a circlet of feathered retractile
secondary branchiae.
- Ventral surface has
mouth, head, tentacle and mantles. Anus is surrounded by branchia or
- Foot has a large
creeping sole. Dorsal surface has protruding penis.
- Digestive gland
unbranched compact mass and nervous system of euthyneurous type.
- Sexes are united and
the gonopore is asymmetrically placed on the right side of the body.
IUCN Status: Not evaluated
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