Zoology Museum

Post Graduates and Research Department of Zoology, V.O. Chidambaram College, Tuticorin 628 008 Tamil Nadu



Phylum : Mollusca

Class    : Gastropoda

Order  : Nudibranchia

Family  : Dendrodorididae

Genus  : Dendrodoris

Species : rubra


            Dendrodoris rubra, commonly known as the Red Dendrodoris or Red Dorid, is a species of sea slug, specifically a dorid nudibranch. It ia a marine gastropod mollusc known for its striking appearance. It has a smooth, elongated body with a vibrant red or reddish orange colouration. The dorsal surface often features scattered  small white or yellow spots, adding to its visual appeal. Like other dorid  nudibranchs, it lacks a visible shell, and its gills are exposed on its back, forming a branched structure.

            These nudibranchs are found in warm coastal waters of the Indo- Pacific region, where they feed on sponges and other encrusting organisms. Their bright colouration serves as a Warning to potential predators of their unpalatability, as they can incorporate toxins from their prey into their own tissues for defense.

IUCN Status: Unaccepted status.

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